6AG1332-7ND02-4AB0 SIEMENS | 4042948489437
Вартість по запиту
SIPLUS S7-300 SM 332 4AQ based on 6ES7332-7ND02-0AB0 with conformal coating, 0…+60 °C, analog output isolated by channel, 4 AQ, resolution 16 bit, 0-10 V, 1-5 V, +/-10 V, +/-20 mA, 0/4-20 mA, 20-pole, suitable for isochronous-mode operation improved bus cycle times for the isochronous mode Just like the CPU, the analog output modules are also protected against extreme ambient conditions. Due to the 100% conformal coating they can withstand biologically, chemically and physically active substances, condensation, frost, and corrosive gases. Regardless of the conditions, your analog signals are reliably output.